Your dog sneezing a lot and you’ve gotten to the point where you’re considering taking them to the vet. Is it something serious? reason can be allergies, fungal, mites, sinus infections E.T.C.
Don’t panic, read the following list of reasons why your dog is constantly sneezing. A sneeze is a reflex that is used to clear the respiratory tract of irritants. Sneezing is a common symptom of several different respiratory infections, including the common cold.
Here are 10 Reasons Why Your Dog is Constantly Sneezing
1. Allergies
If you have been out of town for an extended period of time or your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it’s possible that they are allergic to something in the environment. Pollen is the most common allergen, and if your dog has allergies, they will often have red eyes, itchiness, dry skin, and sneeze frequently.
2. Mites
Dogs with long hair are more likely to have mites, but short-haired dogs can also get them. Scabies are tiny parasitic bugs that live in the skin where they lay eggs. Your vet will need to clip your dog’s fur so they can properly check if he has mites. Treatment for this is usually medication, but some dogs will need to be bathed in a special shampoo too.
3. Fungal or bacterial infection
If your dog’s sneezing is accompanied by discharge from the eyes and nose, it could be an infection. A fungal or bacterial infection often causes crusty skin around the face and ears. Your vet will perform a physical examination and take a swab for culture.
4. Sinus infection
If your dog sneezing a lot, it could be because of a sinus infection. A sinus infection causes swelling, which leads to pain and difficulty breathing. Your vet will prescribe antibiotics if this is the case.

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5. Foreign body in the nose or throat
Something small, like a piece of popcorn or peanut, could be stuck in your dog’s nose or throat. If you notice that he has trouble breathing and is constantly sneezing, it might be time to take him to the vet.
6. Allergic reaction
If your dog eats chocolate, grapes, or raisins, they could have an allergic reaction that causes sneezing. This will likely happen within twelve hours of consuming it, but the symptoms don’t come on immediately. If your puppy is constantly sneezing and has swollen lymph nodes or difficulty breathing, you should take them to the vet right away.
7. Eosinophilic granuloma complex
This is a group of allergies that cause chronic inflammation in your dog’s body, particularly in their skin and respiratory system. You’ll notice excessive scratching and licking along with loss of fur and sores caused by constant chewing. The symptoms can be milder than other problems located around your homes like carpets, furniture, or litter box that might contain chemicals that would bother them more than other things outdoors, but it is important to note.
8. Heartworm disease
Although heartworms are more common in dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors, they can still affect indoor dogs too. Heartworm is a blood-borne parasite that affects the heart, lungs, and surrounding vessels. If your dog has been diagnosed with heartworm disease, your vet will prescribe medication that needs to be given for three months or longer till all traces of infection have disappeared from the body. This illness could kill your dog if not treated right away, but it has become less likely as diagnosis and treatment becomes much easier now than ever before.
9. Distemper
Distemper causes neurological problems like seizures and blindness, as well as respiratory issues like coughing and sneezing, along with other symptoms. This is a virus that dogs can contract from infected animals, contaminated food or water, and it can be very serious if not treated. If you have any reason to think your dog has distemper, take them to the vet right away.
10. Infections in intestines
When your dog eats something they should not have eaten, like plastic or rocks, these items could become stuck in their intestines and damage the intestinal wall. They may experience abdominal pain or vomiting along with other signs depending on how severe the blockage is. It’s also possible for a foreign object to get lodged in your dog’s throat, which could result in a lot of coughing and sneezing, which will lead you to suspect their medical condition, so quickly head them over to the veterinarian.
My Dog Sneezing So Much – Can it be a Serious Problem?
If your dog is sneezing a lot, it might be a sign that he has a more serious problem. Some of the most common problems that can cause your dog to sneeze a lot include asthma, food allergies, and viral infections. If you are at all concerned about your pup’s health, take them to the vet right away so they can diagnose the problem correctly.
Should I Be Worried If My Dog Is Sneezing?
A common question from dog owners is, “When should I worry if my dog is sneezing?” You should take your dogs sneeze history into consideration when determining if a sneeze warrants concern.
What you should be looking for:
If your dog has any of the following symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian immediately:
- Fever
- Lethargy or lack of energy
- Discharge from eyes or nose
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Sneezing blood
My Dog Keeps Sneezing – How Can I Prevent My Dog from Sneezing?
Sneezing in dogs is not usually a cause for concern. There are various reasons why your dog might be sneezing, but if your dog is sneezing a lot or if their sneeze seems abnormal, then it’s important that you take them to see a vet. Sneezing is usually just a sign that something irritates your dog’s nose.
Keep your dog’s environment clean of dust, mold, and pollens, which can easily irritate your dog’s nose. If you’re taking your dog on a walk in a wooded area or are in a dusty room, then they might start sneezing as these are both irritants to the nose.
If your dog is sneezing more than usual, this might mean that there is congestion in its nose. Try to keep your dog cool and comfortable, as heat can make the nose more irritated.
If your dog has an underlying medical condition that triggers chronic sneezing, then you might want to look for dog food that can help ease inflammation in the body.
Sneezing is a common symptom of a number of different respiratory infections. Although your dog may be sneezing a lot, it could just be hay fever or another simple ailment that is easily treated. Dogs sneeze for many reasons, but the most common one is the cold. When a cold air particle hits the dog’s nose, it causes the dog to sneeze. Other common causes of sneezing in dogs include allergies, nasal polyps, and sinus infections.
If you want to draw a dog visit here: Draw a Dog